Printmaking Tales


Printmaking Tales is the new project by FABRIANO curated by Umberto Giovannini and published by
Opificio della Rosa.

‘It is dedicated to art printing and designed to trace the history of an ancient, fascinating technique that has accompanied generations of artists. A large map used to recount the stages and evolution of printmaking to learn about the techniques and styles that have followed over the centuries, profound artistic changes, and their different variations. This bilingual Italian-English volume stems from a desire to stimulate curiosity and interest in the world of art printing. It is aimed not only at specialists but also at all those who have never had the opportunity to
experience the alchemy that occurs when ink meets paper through different printing techniques.’

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EAN: 9788894194029 SKU: PRNTMKINGTLS Category:

Additional information

Weight 1050 g
Dimensions 230 × 230 × 1050 mm