Ferric Chloride Solution


Ferric Chloride is commonly used to etch steel and copper. One of the reasons it is so popular is because of its versatility. It’s not actually an acid but a corrosive salt. The strength of Ferric can be measured with a Beaumé Hydrometer (available online and in-store). Our Ferric Chloride  is ready mixed to a gravity of 45 baumé and can be diluted further with water if necessary. Plates should be etched either face down or in a vertical etching tank to prevent the build up of sediment in the etched lines.

Note: We are able to ship 1 litre of Ferric using our domestic courier . If you would like to place an international order, or domestic for 5 litres, please call to discuss shipping options.

Available in 1 litre and 5 litres.

When disposing of Ferric it must first be neutralised with water and sodium bicarbonate, or caustic soda. Do not pour it undiluted down the drain.

For more information see our books:

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 litre, 5 litres